The Keswick theology seems so beautifully God-glorifying. But, is it reformed? Is this even more distinctively reformed? The idea that ‘God does it all’ gets redefined by this movement.
Tag: passive faith
Reformed refutations to Hyper-grace’s ‘repentance’ The dictionary: Eerdmans Bible Dictionary includes this definition of repentance: “In its fullest sense it is a term for a complete change of orientation involving a judgment upon the past and a deliberate redirection for the future.” The Bible: What does the Bible say about repentance? Got Questions says that it includes… Continue reading Refutations
They said what?!!? (6)
Forgiveness without repentance. Redefining the gospel. Disagreement and contradictions. And, ‘no blessing for you!’
Whitten (2)
What is God’s REAL attitude? God’s Real Attitude Clearly Expressed is in all scripture’s indicative texts, the ones that tell you who you are. God’s real attitude is that He loves you, not only in spite of your sins, but even in all your sin. The Father is just fine with who you are and… Continue reading Whitten (2)
Hyper-Grace, what does it teach?
So, what is Hyper-grace? The short definition: Hyper-grace emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. This emphasis also excludes God’s holiness and love. They fail to note God’s call for followers to be righteous. Hyper-grace pits God’s grace against God’s justice. Concerning forgiveness… Continue reading Hyper-Grace, what does it teach?