The Keswick theology seems so beautifully God-glorifying. But, is it reformed? Is this even more distinctively reformed? The idea that ‘God does it all’ gets redefined by this movement.
Category: Grace Movement
Introducing the leaders in the Hyper Grace Movement. Exposing what they teach. Do they sound like the Reformed Protestant leaders? This Movement is also called Hyper-Grace and Soft Antinomianism, these are not overtly promoting licentiousness.
Sanctification: Let Go and Contemplate?
Sharing a few wise thoughts about sanctification; what it is, and what it is not. Borrowed from Biblical Counseling for Women and Linda Rice. Who really sanctifies us and how is it accomplished? This is not an in-depth study about sanctification, but wise thoughts in response to recent changes in emphasis in some christian circles.
Why care about Charismatics?
Charismatics influencing hyper-grace? Why should you care? Sara Doezema and the Reformed Protestants sound just like them. That’s why!
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor, charismatic influence on hyper-grace leaders. Spiritual father to Clark Whitten. Teaches that spiritual experience determines truth, and God, through the Spirit, speaks today in addition to the Bible. For Taylor, creeds are mere words of men.
Whitten’s Ah-ha Moment
He thought the Reformation had some things wrong from its beginning. The church’s ‘problems’ go all the way back to that. His ideology is the fix. It will sweep Christians into a new Reformation!
Is this the Reformation the RPs expect?
Last time we saw that Whitten believes the religious world unwittingly lied to people for centuries. On page 144, he states that the Church remains stuck in “the spiritual framework of legalism”. To Whitten, this framework keeps Christians in bondage to sorrow, suffering and spiritual fatigue by claiming that God demands effort of obedience. Accordingly,… Continue reading Whitten(3)
Whitten (2)
What is God’s REAL attitude? God’s Real Attitude Clearly Expressed is in all scripture’s indicative texts, the ones that tell you who you are. God’s real attitude is that He loves you, not only in spite of your sins, but even in all your sin. The Father is just fine with who you are and… Continue reading Whitten (2)
Clark Whitten (1)
Whitten claims that the church contaminated Grace. But, he, of course, was intuitively correct at first and then re-enlightened later in life. And now he will set us all free! Later in this post, there is a link to preview the intro and first chapter of his book. We recommend that you read this to… Continue reading Clark Whitten (1)
John Crowder
Well now we weren’t planning on starting out with John Crowder. But since we quoted him in our previous post, we thought we may as well go with that. Crowder was not our top pick to start with because he seems a bit more extreme than men like Tullian Tchividjian and Tim Keller or even… Continue reading John Crowder
Hyper-Grace, what does it teach?
So, what is Hyper-grace? The short definition: Hyper-grace emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. This emphasis also excludes God’s holiness and love. They fail to note God’s call for followers to be righteous. Hyper-grace pits God’s grace against God’s justice. Concerning forgiveness… Continue reading Hyper-Grace, what does it teach?