We look at two responses to realizing one’s legalism: fully embracing legalism, which can lead to joining the Roman Catholic Church, or turning to Pietism. Pietism encourages a more extraordinary, subjective faith and turns individuals away from institutionalized Christianity. It emphasizes subjective experiences and feelings over understanding and affirming doctrine.
Author: Brenda Hoekstra
The misleading refrains of hyper-grace have entagled many whom we love and care about. This blog is to help articulate how this is an error and shed light on the subtle differences that make it a departure from the Reformation's truths. All my posts are discussed and verified by the head of this household before they go live.
Turning People Away from Christ (2)
Christ’s exposition of the law in his Sermon on the Mount vs the Pharisees’ exposition of the law in dumbing it down.
Turning People Away from Christ (1)
How does Phariseeism turn people away from Christ? How does a Pharisee belittle or cheapen the law though they seem to put it above all else?
What Legalism Produces
Legalism can be disguised as zeal for justice and truth, and even as a concern for Church discipline. But at the end of the day, is an unwillingness to welcome those whom Christ welcomes. ~S. Ferguson
New School Legalists
New school legalism comes in at least 5 flavors: radical, crazy, missional, gospel-centered, and revolutionary & organic Christians. This high-commitment Christianity raises a whole new set of legalistic bars; complete with the same old pressure and shame.
The Root & Nature of Legalism
Although legalism seems very, very pro-law; it distorts the law. It casts the law as negative and as deprivation of all joy. It distorts the character of the loving and generous God who gave it.
Old School Legalism
Old School legalism is as old as Eve, who made the first fence around God’s command.
Dewey’s legalism
“Legalism either distorts the free grace of God in the gospel, or distorts the true nature of God’s grace in the law, or even fails to place the gracious law of God in its proper place in redemptive history”. ~ Sinclair Ferguson.
Still Nothing New Under the Sun
A GRACE Reformation that ends Exodus International. How its former president shows where the RPs will wind up eventually if they continue to say repentance is not necessary. Grace of the cross never leaves you where it finds you: spiritually dead, powerless and empty.
Admitted Legalists
Legalists admit their legalism, but they blame the church for teaching it to them. Their epiphany seems misdirected.