
Many joined the Reformed Protestants with good desires to find a reformation of sovereign grace. Did they find it? We are a team of believers who have looked into what A. Lanning and Rev. N. Langerak are teaching. Our study has found material on various Movements and influential people who sound very much like the leaders of the group called Reformed Protestant. So we decided to share this material here to aid others in discernment.

Purpose of this site.

We believe the truth of the office of all believers. Therefore we will use this site to help others try the spirits of the ideologies and theologies that relate to, or reflect the teachings of the Reformed Protestant (RP) leaders. 

Is biblical sovereign grace what the members are currently receiving from the Reformed Protestant leaders? Or, is the overall ideology of the Reformed Protestant (RP) leaders now slipping more deeply into the ideas taught in the Hyper-Grace message?

We will explain Hyper-grace, and the notable people associated with it. We will also cover other tangential ideas found in various groups since the Reformation.

For those who joined the RP, they should ask themselves if the Reformed Protestant ideology now resembles these ideas. And then, they should ask whether these ideas contribute to a true reformation.

Genuine questions are welcome

Do you have any material to include? Please submit it to theteam@astraitbetwixttwo.org

Try the spirits: 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

Why so close to the name of Dewey Engelsma’s blog?

Well, because ‘Two Betwixt A Strait’ was awkward and didn’t make sense. And while Dewey’s blog focuses on bewilderment, ours is not bewildering at all. So, step out of their echo chamber with us. Regain your objectivity and spiritual direction.

~ The Team at ASBT


As of September ’23, we are turning the blog over completely to Brenda Hoekstra as the sole administrator and content manager.

Mr. Magoo searching
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All individual webpages can be searched for specific words or phrases by pressing the ‘control’ key and ‘f’ key at the same time.  A search box will appear.  Type the term you want to search for and press enter. The results will appear. Actually, this will work on any internet page or even on your computer if you are searching a large document. Cool, huh.

We would like to thank Ed Hoekstra for financing this site and his wife Brenda for agreeing to join the team and help with writing posts in future. She has written for the Beacon Lights in the past.